Daily Acts

P.O. Box 293, Petaluma, CA 94953

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Our vision is a healthy, just and reverent culture.

Our mission is to transform our communities through inspired action and education which builds leadership and local self-reliance.

Together we are creating a tipping point towards sustainability by growing and strengthening the engaged citizens and networks and spreading the skills, models and policies to significantly reduce resource use while increasing community resilience.

In place of water-guzzling and chemical intensive lawns, we plant edible landscapes that model solutions, while growing skills & community. We disconnect downspouts and reconnect the watershed. We reduce toxic runoff and increase stormwater recharge.

Since our first lawn transformation, we have created dozens of public and private models from front yards to city hall. Together we are transforming our homes and communities into vibrant centers of homegrown sustenance and celebration. We are growing this dream; feeding our networks; educating, influencing and leading with how we live.

As Daily Acts has grown, the influence and impact of this community has deepened. We’ve connected tens of thousands of engaged citizens and leaders to these solutions and each other….rippling from one to many and many to millions.

Join us as we grow and share our bounty; harvest the rain and reuse our water; retrofit our homes and remake our lives and every day reclaim our future and the healthy, just world being born.

Rewards Offer

All rewards require a GO LOCAL Rewards Card.
You must present your GO LOCAL Rewards Card at the time of purchase.

  • Free 15 minute garden and/or sustainability phone consultation on your first visit.



Lawn to Food Transformation

Added: 9/30/10

May 2009, Daily Acts and hundreds of volunteers, in partnership withe the City of Petaluma, transformed 3,000 square feet of lawn into a Permaculture Food Forest complete with Fig, Chilean Guava, Plums, an Apple Tree espalier, Echinacea, pomegranate, yarrow, Jerusalem Sage, California Natives and medicinal plants.


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