Forni Farm & Nursery

4000 Barnes Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

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Forni Farm and Nursery was created in 2018, building on a multi-generational family legacy of farming in the Napa Valley. I grew up in a garden, learning from and working alongside my father, Peter Forni, who started Forni Brown Gardens with his partners shortly after I was born. When Forni Brown officially closed their doors in June 2018, I realized this was the perfect time to carry on my family’s tradition of providing the people of Napa and Sonoma Valleys with fresh and healthy edible plant starts for their gardens.

​ As a mother of two young children, I have been reminded in recent years of the joy of playing in my father’s garden as a child, and of growing up surrounded by plants. After exploring other careers, including teaching and garden consulting for restaurants, I came to the realization that working in my own garden is where I want to be professionally. Raising my children in the same outdoor gardening environment that I so deeply cherished and valued just seemed like a perfect fit! My family and I look forward to building on the skills and experience gained from working at Forni Brown’s commercial garden to create a strong foundation for the success of Forni Farm and Nursery. Our goal is for Forni Farm and Nursery to grow within our community, and spreading the love and joy of gardening with our family and yours!



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