Petaluma Bounty

55 Shasta Ave., Petaluma, CA 94952

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Our core programs include:

Bounty Farm – an educational urban farm that grows sustainably farmed food for the community

  • offers field trips & service learning opportunities to local schools and colleges

  • runs a volunteer and after school program for the general public

  • teaches sustainable agriculture to interns and SCYEC summer youth program

Bounty Hunters – a community food gleaning program that collects fresh, surplus food from backyard gardens, farms and businesses and distributes it to food pantries and senior centers;

A.L.I.V.E..– Active Living in Vibrant Environments, an six week healthy eating program for low-income families with children ages 7-14;

Bounty Farm Stand - selling produce at the Bounty Farm, Petaluma Farmers' Market, and other locations around town.

Farmers Market LIFE -




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