Zero Waste Sonoma

2300 County Center Dr, Suite B-100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

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Zero Waste Sonoma is also known as the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency (SCWMA)

The Sonoma County Waste Management Agency, formed in 1992, is the joint powers authority of the nine cities and the County of Sonoma. The specific focus of the agency's efforts is the implementation of the waste diversion programs as required by AB939 in the following categories: Wood Waste, Yard Debris, Household Hazardous Waste, Education and Planning.

The Sonoma County Waste Management Agency provides a hotline, 707-565-DESK(3375) and web site to answer questions about recycling, hazardous waste and other disposal issues.

Use the search function for topics A to Z: appliance, batteries, concrete, electronics, metal, paint, Styrofoam peanuts, printer cartridges, wood/pallets and much more!

Recycle your veggies in your yard debris cart. Veggie scraps are the largest unrecycled portion of the residential waste stream.

In fact, about 35% of residential garbage is food waste, totaling nearly 800 tons a week in Sonoma County -- a resource that could be used instead of landfilled.

Visit for more information.

Free e-waste electronics recycling events. Visit for a current schedule of events.




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