Coach Thea Daniels

Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA

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  • Does it feel like you will never be happy or reach your goals and get what you really want?
  • What do you really want?
  • We all want our dreams to come true.


Self-reliance is limited to what we know, and can get in the way of forward movement and a fulfilling life.

I’m Thea Daniels – Co-Active Certified Coach Santa Rosa, Ca. USA.

My name is Thea Daniels and as your coach I facilitate a safe space to find answers, create change and develop personal leadership through: P.A.A.C.T - pause, aware, action, curiosity, trust in your emotional intelligence.

In a coaching alliance, we track your progress and reinforce behaviors to help reveal your talents and values to reach your goals by using techniques such as: asking powerful questions, intuition and self-exploration. We allow life to support you, strengthen your spirit and reveal your answers.

Program Offerings

Sessions are weekly and last up to 45minutes.

How I coach!

I coach the whole person, mental~physical~spiritual. Virtually and by phone, email and text.

1st we have a no obligation complimentary session to gain a sense of working together. These are fun and often start the ball rolling.

After agreeing on working together and contracted, we take a view of your life in decades to keep it simple.

I’m your coach and I support, encourage, and celebrate your successes. We have our weekly sessions to become aware and get focused on results. The real work is between the sessions when you take action, track your gains and record results proving your own undeniable accomplishments. This skill enhances personal success and drives motivation.

Why choose me?

  • I’ve been a Hair~stylist for over 30 years.
  • I coach the whole person, mental~physical~spiritual.
  • I support and reinforce connecting people with themselves.
  • I help you see clearly what simple choices you can make to live a more fulfilled and happier life.
  • I resource a wide array of training and inspiration from my background and experience.
  • We utilize your inspirations and experiences to find the best answers for your personal success.

Contact Me Now

You can go on with your life feeling stuck and frustrated or you can take action now. The choice is yours to live the life you dream of, It's up to you. NOW THAT YOU KNOW HOW THIS WORKS GIVE IT A SHOT! I offer a 30 minute no obligation session where we decide if I’m a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose.

Rewards Offer

All rewards require a GO LOCAL Rewards Card.
You must present your GO LOCAL Rewards Card at the time of purchase.

  • Schedule a free 30-minute no obligation session on your first visit.



Information Call or Email for appointment