ParkRx: Forest Therapy Walk

, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Aug. 27, 2022


Have you heard about Shinrin-yoku or Forest bathing?

Here is an opportunity to take a walk and experience the practice for yourself.

Learn techniques to maximize the health benefits and stress reducing qualities of this walking practice. A centering and calming restorative practice, it promotes balance and restored vitality through a quality of presence and heightened sensory awareness.

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park hosts a Forest Therapy Series as part of its ParkRx Program the 4th Saturday of each month. These walks are led by certified Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) practitioners.

Visit for more info about this practice.

Tickets are $20 or free with a July 2022 ParkRx from a Sonoma County MP.

Visit for ParkRx info.

We are offering a morning (9:30am-12:30pm) and afternoon (2-5pm) session for every date.

Tickets are valid only for the date and time purchased.



Aug. 27, 2022